
Membership Obligations

Our members make our club, and our members have certain obligations to the club to maintain membership. This structure makes for an efficiently run club with committee members who are not overburdened. This will reflect again in your player’s enjoyment in our club. The club asks for only a few hours per year of your time and the attendance of 1 general meeting. Too easy!

  • Membership duties can include, canteen duty, a couple of hours at a working bee, helping to pack equipment away, game supervision, being an official for a few hours, refereeing, coaching or being a manager or becoming a sponsor. You may find other ways to help the club as well like helping the coach or being involved in the supervision of equipment.
  • Ensure your players arrive at training on time. Please ensure your players are picked up on time.
  • Please ensure that your players are dressed in appropriate clothing, safety gear, and have appropriate fluids.
  • Players and parents will abide by our code of conduct. Non-compliance may result in the suspension of your membership. This includes swearing, disruptive behaviour, poor sportsmanship, abuse of coaches, officials, other players, and parents.

Our team names says it all – we cater for players throughout all of Southern Lake Macquarie including Dora Creek, Bonnells Bay, Morisset, Cooranbong, Watagan Park, Morisset Park and surrounds! 

Please refer to the following documents which outline the expectations set of our club and its members based on FFA Guidelines.

Southern Lakes United Football Club

Thanks To Our Wonderful Sponsors